Dive into the world of Sea Monkeys with the Magic Castle Aquarium from Bandai. This kit contains everything you need to start a new aquarium full of brine shrimp (Artemia). Contained within each kit are: water purifier, brine shrimp eggs for hatching, Sea Monkey food, and a feeding spoon. Sea Monkeys are a brilliant way to educate children about science and the natural world. Spend time teaching them about the life cycle of brine shrimp and together watch them grow from eggs to 2cm long in some cases. Sea Monkeys also make a fantastic first pet for kids, teaching them about responsibility and caring for others without the mess. Instil a love for science, biology, and the ocean with these tiny crustaceans. Your Sea Monkeys can live exciting and fantastical lives with the range of different aquariums from Bandai. Raise your brine shrimp in a range of themed tanks for an entertaining backdrop as you observe your pets through inbuilt magnifying glasses.