Camouflage Printed Flannel Little Wipes 2 Ply 8x8 inches Set of 5
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Camouflage Printed Flannel Little Wipes 2 Ply 8x8 inches Set of 5

Product ID: 436965440
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Stack of 5 eco-friendly alternative to paper towels, napkins, and throw away baby wipes. This is a great way to help eliminate trash, and an easy way to help the environment. These napkins are perfect for any hunting cabin or lodge. Thirsty enough to dry big hands but soft enough for little faces. Great for casual, every day napkins (and they won't fall apart like paper napkins do). Nice and gentle enough for little ones face or behind; and, a great thing to keep in your purse for messy emergencies when you are on the road. The napkins are serged around the edges with long lasting, but very soft polyester thread for a clean finish. You can expect these work-horses to last for a very long time. Use them to mop up any spill, dry your hands, or for any typical use of paper towels. I throw mine in the washer and dryer with any and all loads of laundry (they take up very little space), because no special care is required. Try them and love them, or send them back for a 100% refund. Cut, sewn, and finished here in the USA by Americans. This set is in stock, and ready to go.

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