Learn local marketing and actually remember it! All of the vital pieces for short term and long term online success. I thank you for your interest in my book and believe that you will not be disappointed. And I also am available to help with any questions you may have along the way. Some of the things that you will learn Understand How Search Engines Work Learn what not to do Take action using the tactics that really make a difference Understand the tools for gaining traction quickly Build the foundation for your business to achieve longterm success If you are already an expert online marketing guru with experience in search engine optimization, this book is probably not for you, but if you are a small business owner or just someone wanting simple and proven techniques to maximize your online potential, then you are in the right place. I am a small business owner, and my website currently ranks number one on Google for my area. I also advise many other small businesses on how they can achieve the same search engine success. I have been a part of national marketing campaigns for clients that were spending up to $25,000/ month, just for online marketing. I also have been a part of marketing campaigns that have achieved top results for extremely competitive search terms without spending a dime on marketing. One of our campaigns took about six months for a brand new website, and we were all pleasantly surprised when our site took the number two slot for organic search in one of the largest and most competitive metropolitan areas in the United States. I also have fifteen years of teaching experience, so I have a decent handle on how people learn. The pages of this book are not written to impress, but rather to propel; to move your business marketing strategy in the right direction. Whether you are old-school or new-school, you can’t ignore that when most folks want to find something, they pull out their smartphones and search. I distinctly remember driving down the highway in the middle of the Sonoran Desert in Mexico and seeing an old farmer herding cattle down the side of the road and a he turns around I see a smartphone in the palm of his hand. And the world will never be the same. I won’t be wasting any time is this book. I am not going to add filler content just so that I can charge more for the book. I find it incredibly irritating it when authors do that, even if the base content is decent. We’ll move fast, so I recommend reading straight through once, and then picking one section at a time on which to focus. I have a printable cheat sheet on my website that gives you all the most important takeaways and action points for each chapter. Having said that, reading the full material will give you a much better chance of reaching your goals. Having the knowledge base will give you more insight in which to apply these concepts. The cheat sheet will help put the content in an actionable "to do" format. Most of the local online marketing books that I have read focus on either SEO (search engine optimization), SEM (search engine marketing) with advertising campaigns, or Local Marketing techniques. In this book, I bring them all together, because I believe that to ignore any one of these areas is foolish. Moreover, they all work together, and each separate branch with be strengthened by the others. So let’s dive right in. We will start by gaining a bit of vital perspective on the “game board, ” and then we’ll move on to the “pieces” on that board.
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