These mites are a generalist. A. andersoni work on: Broad Mites, Cyclamen Mites, Hemp Russet Mites, Red Spider Mites, Tomato Russet Mites, Rust Mites, Gall Mites, Eriophyis Mites, Thrips and Two-spotted Spider Mites. They are available in two types of packaging; Bulk cartons and slow release hanging stick sachets. The bulk cartons are shipped as live adults, where as the sachets are shipped as hatching bags. Mites emerge from the sachets for up to 4 weeks. Simply hang the sachets on plants out of direct sunlight. Simply hang over a branch, plant stem or wire. Our slow release hanging sachets are safe to use around humans and pets. Optimal Environment: 43-105 °F; 40-60% Humidity. Release Rates: Release 1 sachet every 6 feet or 1 per tree. 1 mite per sq. ft., bi-weekly, 3-4 times.
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