Supla 10 Stems Artificial Roses Red with Stems Open Silk Roses Velvet Roses Wedding Roses in Red 20" Tall X 4" Bloom for Floral Arrangement Home Accent
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Supla 10 Stems Artificial Roses Red with Stems Open Silk Roses Velvet Roses Wedding Roses in Red 20" Tall X 4" Bloom for Floral Arrangement Home Accent

Product ID: 43026350
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Arrangements:Bouquets are pressed for package during the shipment, this situation doesn't affect the quality, you can fume it with vapour/ arrange the leaves/ cut and bend the branches yourself.Notes:Usually the branch is little longer, you can cut it by scissors, or bend it before put in vase. We will check the product carefully before packing, maybe there are some leaves or flowers fall off from the branches, that doesn't affect the product's quality, you can insert it by hand. Glue residue can be removed by hand.Please take care of the thorns in branches.Notice:If you have any question about the product or our service, please connect with us first, do not leave us a negative comment or open a dispute optionally, we will do our best to solve your problem, thank you for coming our store.

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Zainab N.

Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

1 week ago

Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

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