Evolution Aquas FMG is a mixture of Formaldehyde and Malachite Green - a powerful, active, two-dose medication designed to treat parasite and fungal related diseases found in Koi Carp. Available in either a 500ml or 1 litre bottle, this medicine is effective against white spot, costia, chilodonella, trichodina, and fungus. For use when koi appear to be flicking or gasping for air, when parasites such as white cloudy mucus is visible, and when fungus appears in cotton wool like appearances. White blemishes may also appear across the head, body, and fins, as well as discolouration across the scales which are signs of disease. This medication is a two-dose treatment. UV bulbs will need to be switched off 7 days after last dose, and activated carbon/zeloite will need to be removed from filters. Please read the included instructions carefully.
4 days ago
2 weeks ago