Non-Slip Pantry, Cabinet Kitchen Spice Storage Organizer Made of Plastic Material, Rotating Spice Rack 30CM Turntable for 360 Degree Rotating Tray - White Grey
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Non-Slip Pantry, Cabinet Kitchen Spice Storage Organizer Made of Plastic Material, Rotating Spice Rack 30CM Turntable for 360 Degree Rotating Tray - White Grey

Product ID: 429766001
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Why it matters: Organize condiments in the refrigerator or canned foods and spices in the pantry.The non-slip base keeps items in place as you rotate, and the raised edges keep items from falling.Smooth swipe and spin so you can quickly get to what you need.It prevents items from being lost behind tall cabinets that are hard to see and reach.Bottom anti-skid pads keep the turntable in place as it spins.Molded into a platform, this non-slip surface is durable and very easy to clean and maintain.This turntable ensures you can easily and efficiently store all your spices and a variety of other pantry staples.Rounded in shape, this turntable can even be used on a countertop or table top for storing spices and various other sundries.MULTIPLE USES: Organizes every space in your home, great for use under the sink, but also great for tidying up anywhere in your home or office, great for use in the kitchen, craft or hobby room, garage, workshop and bathroom.This is ideal for small kitchen cabinets or kitchen pantry. They can be used in a variety of spaces, including countertops, cabinets, refrigerators, or under the sink.This little turntable is a spinning device, which means you can simply spin it to get the items you need.This makes it easy to use in all areas of the house, especially in refrigerators with minimal space. Features Anti-slip pads hold items in place as they rotate.

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Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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