Wide Mouth Straw Lids (2 Pack), Compatible with Hydro Flask, Simple Modern, Hydro Cell, Thermoflask, Takeya, Vmini and Iron Flask, 2 Lids, 2 Straws and 1 Straw Brush
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Wide Mouth Straw Lids (2 Pack), Compatible with Hydro Flask, Simple Modern, Hydro Cell, Thermoflask, Takeya, Vmini and Iron Flask, 2 Lids, 2 Straws and 1 Straw Brush

Product ID: 427847789
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What happens when you cross a quality straw and a quality lid? The best flask experience this side of the gulp. No flip top, no swiveling straw, no screwing and unscrewing, just a good old fashioned, wonderful drinking experience for you and your flask. Help the environment and help yourself! Makes the perfect gift! Includes the following for your wide mouth Hydro Flask or similar wide mouth water bottles: 2 Lids 2 Straws 1 Straw Brush Comes in a giftable box Compatible with Hydro Flask wide mouth bottles. Will fit wide mouth water bottles with a 2.28” diameter opening. This includes: Hydro Flask (12oz, 18oz, 20oz, 32oz, 40oz and 64 oz). Thermoflask (40oz) Simple Modern (Summit) Hydro Cell Vmini Takeya Iron Flask NOT COMPATIBLE WITH ANY STANDARD MOUTH BOTTLES, TUMBLERS, GROWLERS, HYDRAPEAK, TAL OR NALGENE BOTTLES. Experience the first ever premium straw lid brought to you by Sip Equip. Your Hydro Flask and similar wide mouth water bottles now have a new accessory. Never before has there been an option to have a fixed straw for your wide mouth water bottle. No more connecting the straw to the lid. No more fumbling with a flipping straw mechanism. No more having to deal with annoying sucking sounds while sipping. Your favorite beverage will always be at the ready and easy to sip. The included straws are durable and made from toxin free polyethylene and are 100% safe. The included straws will provide enough length for a water bottle height up to 11.2”. For smaller water bottles, the straw will need to be trimmed to a shorter length. For your convenience, an easy to follow sizing guide is provided on the outside of every product box.

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