Provision U-SHAPE Curved Reflector 60 X 180 CM
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Provision U-SHAPE Curved Reflector 60 X 180 CM

Product ID: 426890675
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Features: White Fabric - Softener fill light, less specular bounced light compared to the silver fabric. Silver Fabric - Produces gorgeous catch light that follows the natural curve of the eye. Golden Fabric - Warm fill light, give the picture a warm feel. Black Fabric - Subtract light, weaken the color saturation and make the portrait more natural. Waved fabric can optimize diffuse reflection, make light refraction more uniform and avoid producing lighting spot. Simple Installation 1. First, connect the bracket rod No. 2 and No. 3 together. 2. Cover the reflective cloth on. 3. Sleeve No. 1 bracket rod with reflective cloth on both sides and then tighten knob. 4. Install the bracket behind the reflector 5. Tightening the knob, finished.

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Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

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