Description : The 15 Mukhi is a very rare rudraksha. This represents Lord Pashupati and is specially beneficial healing the heart. 15 face Rudraksha is a Highly Auspicious Rudraksha that influences the gaining of Mukti from Paasha and helps to prevent the loss of attainment of Moksa in this lifetime. Fifteen faced Rudraksha also pacifies emotional disturbance in the mind caused by the limitations caused by Paasha or bondage. The Lord Pashupati Rudraksha supports the Spiritual Path to Moksa in this physical lifetime and enhances Rudra Consciousness that is an aspect of Consciousness based in the process of actively destroying ignorance, suffering and pain that is produced by bondage and or attachment. Benefit’s : Fifteen faced Rudraksha is an immense powerful Rudraksha for those working with Spiritual Techniques to accomplish Mukti that is freedom from bondage and Moksa that is Liberation in this physical lifetime. Pashu means individual soul or Jeeva , Pati means Lord and God and Master and Siva all as one in the same. Pashupati is Lord of Individuals , Lord Siva Lord of animals. Symbol of : Lord Pashupati Ruling Planet : Mercury Recommended for : Improving intuitive, Abstract and Lateral thinking. Mantra : Wearing Mantra : “Om Namah Shivaye “ Beeja Mantra : “OM Hreem Namah “
2 months ago
2 months ago