h5 { color: #000; font-weight: 600; } Experience our strongest start-up and algae-killing pool shock. With 73% active ingredient Calcium Hypochlorite and minimum 70% available chlorine, In the Swim's Super Pool Shock 1lb bags destroys algae blooms and other organic contaminants. Our pool shock is fast dissolving which allows it to kill off all unwanted material without leaving any noticeable residue behind. There is no stabilizer in our Super Pool Shock 1lb bags so adding it to your water will not raise the Cya levels or (Cyanuric Acid). Active Ingredient: 73% Calcium Hypochlorite In The Swim's Super Pool Shock has the highest percentage of Calcium Hypochlorite available for a super strength and concentrated pool shock. Some other pool shocks have a lower percentage of active ingredient with a higher percentage of inert ingredients which reduce the amount of chlorine sanitizer that is ultimately added to your pool. 70% Minimum Available Chlorine With In The Swim's Super Pool Shock, you get at least 70% minimum available chlorine to kill and inactivate algae spores, bacteria, germs, and other water contaminants. Don't settle for anything less when looking for a pool shock to effectively treat pool problems like algae blooms and swimming accidents fast. As the chlorine dissolves in the water, it forms hypochlorous acid which is what kills and eradicates algae and bacteria. In the Swims Super Pool Shock comes conveniently in a 6 pack of 1lb bags. Economically priced and packaged for you to shock your pool or routine sanitization for your water chemistry. Usage Directions for Swimming Pools: Add the recommended dosage of In The Swim Super Pool Shock during the evening hours while the filter pump is running. When adding to your pool, broadcast evenly over a wide area in the deepest part of the pool. Use a clean, dry scoop to measure this product. Do not