Klarvoto Golf Swing Trainer - Perfect Your Swing, Adjustable Height, Sturdy, Gives Instant Feedback
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Klarvoto Golf Swing Trainer - Perfect Your Swing, Adjustable Height, Sturdy, Gives Instant Feedback

Product ID: 423954362
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(BRAND NAME) Yellow Golf Swing Trainer Instant FeedbackSuitable for use by left- and right handed players! As soon as you have completed your golf swing, instant feedback on the swing path and your actual swing is received - offering you realtime information - and you are able to make adjustments to improve your golf swing. Ultra SturdyThe golf swing trainer is constructed from durable and ultra strong materials. The stake of the system pushes into the ground and the golf swing trainer has been reinforced adding to its strength and sturdiness. Minor Assembly, which is quick and easy, is required. AdjustableThe ball height is adjustable to offer the best practice conditions for practicing your swing using woods and irons. The adjustable height also makes it suitable for use by players from the age of about 12 years old. Perfect Your SwingThe swing trainer is best for use with drivers, hybrids and irons and will help to correct hooks, slices, pushes and pulls. The ball offers a true feel of contact and is very durable. Home ComfortEnjoy practicing and perfecting your golf swing - including driving, chipping, putting and slicing in the comfort of your own garden. No need to drive all the way to the driving range or golf course, saving you time and money and affording you more time to attain your best swing. There is no need for a practice net as the ball is attached to the system. No more running after (or out of) golf balls. What's Included?1 x Golf Swing Trainer

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago

Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

2 days ago

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago

Neha S.

Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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