Catfish Pro Shad Catfish Bait for Fishing Catches Blue, Channel, and Flathead Catfish Great for Rod and Reel, Trotline, Drifting, Yoyos, Jugs, Bank or Boat Fishing
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Catfish Pro Shad Catfish Bait for Fishing Catches Blue, Channel, and Flathead Catfish Great for Rod and Reel, Trotline, Drifting, Yoyos, Jugs, Bank or Boat Fishing

Product ID: 42094167
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Catfish Pro Shad catfish bait is made using high fatty amino acids, proteins, and 100% natural oils and real Shad which produces a scent catfish cannot resist. No treble or sponge hook is required when you use our bait. You can use any hook you want including a J hook and our bait will stay on your hook no matter where you're fishing.Our cubed bait design is made so the bait will start to release a massive scent trail as soon as it hits the water. Our bait catches channel catfish, blue catfish, bullhead catfish, and sometimes even flathead catfish.Since our bait is water activated there is no messy or stinky hands.Comes in a 10 oz. resealable bag. So as long as you reseal the bag after each use the bait will stay fresh until the very last piece.Approximately 80 pieces of bait per bag.Perfect for rod and reel, bank fishing, trotlines, jugs, drifting, limb lines, and yoyos.

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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