A guide for fathers wanting to help their sons avoid the trap of pornography addiction. High-speed, unlimited online video pornography radically alters young brains in ways like nothing that has come before. Even if we accept the dangers it presents, how do we prepare our sons to face such a pervasive and abundant temptation? What are we as fathers supposed to say? What should we ask? What can we realistically expect of our sons? John Fort is a pornography addiction recovery specialist who faced these questions as his own son neared the end of his grade school years. This book clearly outlines what John did to help his own son avoid the trap that over 90% of all boys todays fall into. His son, Lucas, age sixteen at the time of publication, shares his own story, thoughts and comments throughout the book. Lucas shares with a high level of vulnerability and openness what it was like to go through the process. This is a book for fathers and sons, written by a father and son.
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