TS1 Birthday Party Balloons Set with Air Pump (Coffee, 155 Pieces)
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TS1 Birthday Party Balloons Set with Air Pump (Coffee, 155 Pieces)

Product ID: 417569369
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Features All Balloons are thickening, NOT-EASY BURST, safe for around kids and adults. you can choose to fill it with helium air or water. Perfect party decorations for adding a romantic and festive atmosphere. Best For Events baby shower baby birthday wild one party 1st birthday Bear theme Backdrop Party How to Make a Balloon Garland? Step 1: Inflate all the balloons with balloon pump then tie knots, recommend various colors and blow-up different sizes to get a amazing look to your garland. Step 2: Insert the balloon knot into the hole of the balloon chain strip, then shift the knot to the smaller side. Continue the process till all balloons are used. Step 3: After finish the whole balloon chain, use the dot glue to fix it in place. Step 4: Make more gorgeous looking, add some eucalyptus, curling ribbon, flowers, leaves, tulle and more Instructions: Inflate balloons to different sizes and tie them using balloon ribbon. Put the end of the knots into holes of balloon stip or chain provided with the package. Use ribbon to affix more balloons to the chain strip and complete design. Use the balloon glue to fix more balloons to make a perfect garland arch. Special Note: Please don't over inflate the balloon as it might damage them. Please to be patient as there are 155 balloons to be filled up to make a beautiful garland.

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Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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