Feature: -- This Closet Door Ball Catch is made of solid stainless steel and brass. -- The adjustable bead brass core is wear-resistant, rust-proof and tough, ensuring high quality and long life. -- Smooth springs and balls make the door close or open smoothly. -- Simple and convenient. Easy to install and use. -- Suitable for most cabinets, closets and doors, such as swing doors, kitchen cabinets, bookcases, double closet doors, French doors and wardrobes. -- Widely used in homes, offices, hospitals, hotels, factories, shops, supermarkets, Internet cafes, bars and other occasions. -- Material: Stainless steel and brass -- Dimension: 53 x 35mm -- Dimensions: As shown Installation steps: 1. After determining the position, use the impact drill to drill the diameter of the opening; 2. Align the groove to intervene in the bead and tighten with a Phillips screwdriver; 3. Use the same method to install the other side on the door frame; 4. After the installation is completed, use the spring pressure to tightly lock the house door. Kindly Tips: -- Please Ensure This Part Fits For Your Motorcycle Before Order. -- Please allow 1-2mm errors due to manual measurement. -- Item color displayed in photos may be showing slightly different on your computer monitor since monitors are not calibrated same. -- If you like our products, just add them to your shopping cart! They are definitely a great value product! -- If the product you received is damaged or you are not satisfied, please contact us and we will reply to you as soon as possible to solve the problem. Package Includes: 2 * Ball Latches
3 days ago
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