Fire Sense 01471 Fire Pit Bessemer Rolling Patio Fireplace Wooden Bonfire Porcelain Enamel Wood Burning with Wheels & Handle Grip for Outdoor Entertaining - Black & Silver - 28"
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Fire Sense 01471 Fire Pit Bessemer Rolling Patio Fireplace Wooden Bonfire Porcelain Enamel Wood Burning with Wheels & Handle Grip for Outdoor Entertaining - Black & Silver - 28"

Product ID: 4142582
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Product Description Fire Sense 01471 Fire Pit Bessemer Rolling Patio Fireplace Wooden Bonfire Porcelain Enamel Wood Burning With Wheels & Handle Grip For Outdoor Entertaining - Black & Silver - 28"Features:Providing the ultimate deluxe mobile patio fireplace, the 28" Bessemer Rolling Patio Fireplace has a porcelain enamel bowl and lid and a steel grate for wood. The silver high temperature painted center steel fire screen keeps the fire contained but visible. This attractive unit's center door allows easy access to the fire. The convenient wheels and handle assembly allow you to position this unique item in the perfect spot for your outdoor entertaining.Porcelain enamel bowl and lidAn adjustable vent in the base of bowlSteel grate for woodConvenient wheels and handle gripPowder coated steel support frameHigh temperature painted center spark screenAssembled Dimensions: 33"L, 28"W, 46"H; Weight: 32 lbs .com With large wheels for transport from truck to campground or beach, the Bon Firefire place brightens the party with crackling flame and warmth for all. The fire place features porcelain enamel bowl, matching lid, with tall sturdy spark-screen walls in between. The walls stand up to years of use, keeping sparks from landing on clothing. The tall screen offers plenty of viewing space below the domed top, and lots of warmth, as well as a 360-degree view of the crackling flames. A steel grate supports plenty of wood for longer burns and less refueling. A patented center door allows easy access to for refueling. Durable wheels and a retractable handle assembly make it easy to position fire place virtually anywhere for outdoor entertaining. A wooden handle on the Patio Hearth’s dome top makes it easy to remove the roof to bolster airflow for faster starts. Enamel surfaces mean easier cleaning, and that removable dome top ensures quick extinguishing when the party is over and it’s time to pack up.

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