STA-BIL Start Your Engines! Fuel System Revitalizer is designed to ensure easy starting of 2 and 4 cycle motors, smooth rough idling and stalling, and helps remove gum and varnish from throttle plate and carburetor. STA-BIL Start Your Engines! should be used anytime your engine begins to run rough or becomes difficult to start. It is particularly useful for use after long term storage when engines can be reluctant to start. When used as directed, STA-BIL Start Your Engines! will not harm gasoline engines. STA-BIL Start Your Engines! brand is not recommended for diesel engines and may cause severe damage. The shelf life of STA-BIL Start Your Engines! Fuel System Revitalizer is 2 years from the date of purchase, provided it has been tightly capped and stored in a cool, dry place.