UNIBIC FOODS Snappers, Potato Crackers - Indi Spice, 75g | Baked Potato Biscuits | Potato Biscuits | Crackers Potato
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UNIBIC FOODS Snappers, Potato Crackers - Indi Spice, 75g | Baked Potato Biscuits | Potato Biscuits | Crackers Potato

Product ID: 409634039
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Make the UNIBIC Snappers potato crackers your new go-to snack. After each bite, your taste buds will crave the spicy flavour of the Indi Spice-flavoured new potato biscuits. The crispy potato crackers are thin, giving them a unique, desirable crunch. Choose a healthy lifestyle by snacking on perfectly baked potato crackers over oily fried snacks. Each potato chip biscuit is covered with carefully chosen aromatic spices that will brighten your taste palate. Savour the taste of UNIBIC baked potato biscuits with your favourite hot beverage. The new potato biscuits UNIBIC offers will make snack time more enjoyable. Load your cracker jar with these incredibly tasty spiced crackers, which you can munch on between meals. Share a pack of UNIBIC Snappers potato crackers with your friends and family. Serve your guests the potato masala biscuits and see the delight on their faces. The potato biscuits' ingredients include only vegetarian components, making them the perfect snack for anyone. Taste the flavour of vegetables like potato, onion, tomato, and garlic on every bite, as the potato chip crackers are made using dehydrated vegetables. The potato crisp crackers are a trans-fat and cholesterol-free snacking option. Load a 75g pack in your bag while travelling and munch on the tasty snack anytime.

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