Hair Brush-Natural Wooden Bamboo Brush and Wooden Comb Set Paddle Hairbrush for Women Men and Kids Make Thick Curly Hair Health and Massage Scalp
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Hair Brush-Natural Wooden Bamboo Brush and Wooden Comb Set Paddle Hairbrush for Women Men and Kids Make Thick Curly Hair Health and Massage Scalp

Product ID: 409471894
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Our Sofmild hair brushes are made from bamboo and natural rubber, and not only are they a more sustainable option for the environment in terms of them being plastic free (even the cushioning bit) and vegan, they are a better option for healthier, shinier hair. Seamless handle design prevents hair from snagging. In the hand, the brush will become an extension of your hand and not just a tool.The ergonomic cork handle provides a non-slip grip that limits stress on hands and shoulders while you styleThe bristles have a rounded tipped pin that will massage and stimulate your scalp.It is handmade and is perfect for any kind of hair. It promises to detangle your hair and stimulate your scalp with its bamboo bristles. It is made for all sorts of hair types.Wooden hair brushes are the best choice for keeping your hair healthy and gorgeous. They are suitable for all hair types and have many benefits over a regular plastic brush. Bamboo or wooden hair brushes are a popular option for those looking to enhance the look and health of their hair on a daily basis after the morning and nightly brush. By Bamboo or wooden hairbrushes,The hair bristles themselves are wood not just the handle and paddle. The bristles are what is mainly in contact with your hair.

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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