Byhoo Keyboard Lube Kits- GPL 205G0 0.17oz Switch Lube & Zinc Alloy Switch Openers for Gateron Kailh & Cherry MX with 10 Keyboard Switch Lube Pens for Mechanical Keyboard
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Byhoo Keyboard Lube Kits- GPL 205G0 0.17oz Switch Lube & Zinc Alloy Switch Openers for Gateron Kailh & Cherry MX with 10 Keyboard Switch Lube Pens for Mechanical Keyboard

Product ID: 409098691
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Byhoo provides a complete set of keyboard lubrication and switch opener. It contains 0.17oz GPL 205G0 switch grease x1, lubricating oil brush x1, Kailh metal opener x1, MX metal opener x1 and 10 lubricating brushes. This is definitely an indispensable tool for mechanical keyboard fans, you can use them to customize your keyboard and bring you an interesting experience. Keyboard grease can lubricate all keyboard switches and can also be used to lubricate the keyboard stabilizer to reduce the impact of percussion on the keyboard stabilizer. The brush head of the lubricating brush is very fine and the bristles have moderate hardness, so any gaps will not be let go during use. Please note: it will be stratified after being placed statically for a long time. When using it, you need to stir it evenly with the handle of the lubricating brush to restore them to their original state. The zinc alloy switch opener is sturdy and durable, with a column on the top, which can stably fix the switch, making it easier for mechanical keyboard enthusiasts, e-sports players and game fans to lubricate the switches and replace parts. There is a column specially designed for the switch on the top of the tool, which can stably fix the switch, making it easier to lubricate the switch and replace parts. If the switch is stuck on the opener, you can insert the lubricating pen handle into the hole at the bottom of the bottle opener so that the switch can be easily removed.

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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