Healing Foods (Dk Living)
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Healing Foods (Dk Living)

Product ID: 40774302
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With so many conflicting nutrition messages around, deciding exactly which foods are healthiest and why can seem daunting. Healing Foods helps clear up the culinary confusion by explaining nutrition basics and profiling 50 key foods that can improve health, prevent illness, and promote well-being. The featured foods are beautifully photographed and accompanied by nutritional values, therapeutic properties, health benefits, and information on how to properly select, store, and cook various foods. There's a section describing the best foods to eat to enhance the respiratory, digestive, circulatory, urinary, and immune systems; treat diabetes; and improve emotional health. The special dietary needs of teens, pregnant women, and older people are also highlighted, along with special foods that are beneficial to women's health. While Healing Foods lacks step-by-step advice on putting together a good diet and may be slightly confusing for readers who are used to the American Food Pyramid and Dietary Guidelines (the author is British), it contains numerous practical tips and innovative yet easy recipes to help you incorporate more healing foods into your life. If, like increasing numbers of holistic and traditional practitioners, you believe food is your best medicine, then you should certainly consider making Healing Foods part of your library. --Ellen Albertson

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The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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Suresh K.

Very impressed with the quality and fast delivery. Will shop here again.

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