Stahl Artisan Hybrid Triply Non Stick Small Kadai with Lid, Stainless Steel Kadai for Cooking, Triply Kadhai Metal Spatula Friendly, Induction & Gas Stove Compatible, 0.8 L, 16 cm
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Stahl Artisan Hybrid Triply Non Stick Small Kadai with Lid, Stainless Steel Kadai for Cooking, Triply Kadhai Metal Spatula Friendly, Induction & Gas Stove Compatible, 0.8 L, 16 cm

Product ID: 407556615
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The Stahl Artisan Hybrid Kadhai is the latest development of our Artisan Range. It is made of the safest coatings in the world, and it is stick resistant. HexaRidge Technology: This steel kadhai has a German technology coating which is embedded in a honeycomb structure. The ridges of the honeycomb structure are elevated so that there is no contact of the spatula on the Kadhai, giving it five times the life of any other coated Kadhai in the market. You can use a metal object on it, or even a knife! The Stahl Artisan Hybrid Kadhai is our most premium range which is designed for enthusiasts, experts, and anyone who believes in having the best. It is made of triply stainless steel and is 100% residue free and chip-proof. It has three layers sandwiched together through the entire body of the utensil, which provides you an unparalleled cooking experience. Great to Make : Breakfast delicacies like poha, upma, vegetable preparations, lentils etc.

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