NileCart Egyptian papyrus paintings Original Hand Painted Papyrus Paper Ancient Egyptian size 13x17 in. (32x42 cm). Collection of 4 sheets handmade in Egypt. (13x17 in Egyptian Alphabet Collection)
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NileCart Egyptian papyrus paintings Original Hand Painted Papyrus Paper Ancient Egyptian size 13x17 in. (32x42 cm). Collection of 4 sheets handmade in Egypt. (13x17 in Egyptian Alphabet Collection)

Product ID: 407136026
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Papyrus that's colorfully hand painted, 100% Egyptian, traditionally made, and absolutely beautiful. Each features themes of ancient Egypt are the perfect jewels to adorn the walls of your home or business. Frame or hang for unique home decor! They are carefully packaged and delivered directly to your doorstep with certification and artist's signature. In the 4th Century BC, Egyptians developed Papyrus paper from the stalks of the papyrus plant. Egyptians became well known for papyrus, effectively having a monopoly on its manufacturing and sale. They heavily guarded the secrets to making it and papyrus became a symbol for Egypt and Cairo, because its quality and durability was unmatched. The oldest surviving papyrus is from the 1st dynasty (2925 - 2775 BC), which speaks to how well made it was. Today, high quality papyrus is produced in many areas of the world, but Egyptian papyrus is still the gold standard. It is mainly used for decorative art, which typically include bright colors and stylistic themes from ancient Egypt.

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