C SEVENC7skates Quad Roller Skates | Retro Design
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C SEVENC7skates Quad Roller Skates | Retro Design

Product ID: 402983621
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Comfort and StyleWhether you are looking for a pair skates that are all black or have a splash of mint in them, the C7 Quad Roller Skates are hands down your best option when it comes to a great, comfortable pair of skates that will keep you skating for as long as possible without the need for an extensive breaking in period. Designed for Outside We want you to take our skates down to the boardwalk or around your downtown area, so we had to make sure these skates could stand up to whatever was thrown at them. With a durometer (hardness) rating of 82A, the wheels of these skates are perfectly balanced to provide a smooth, seamless ride and a long-lasting wheels that won't deteriorate after a few hours of use. The width of the skates ensures that whatever you happen to come across on your ride, you will likely be able to roll right through it with ease.Retro Inspired BootRoller skating is here to stay, and as long as it's here, the retro style will always be around to pay homage to roller skating roots. The one-inch heel and faux leather make sure blending in is never a problem you have to deal with.

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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