Our dried flower bouquet pampas are White with soft white wheat which brings texture and highlights to this boho flowers arrangement. It will add a dash of luxury to your boho decor or bedroom and your home decorations. Pampas dried flowers bring a feeling of glamour to any space or event. Our bulk dried flowers bundle will bring a fresh look to your wedding decor or baby shower decor. The simplicity of decorating with dried grasses is understated, and continues to be timeless. Our bouquet is a PREMIUM PRODUCT with only the HIGHEST QUALITY STEMS selected. Each dried grass bundle is complete with 25 Pampas grass stems and 25 dried Wheat stems. The dried flower arrangement is approximately 17 inches in length from tip to tip. The Pampas plume is approximately 8-12 inches. Please allow for some variance in plume size due to the natural nature of this product. When un-packing your premium pampas bouquet bundle, be sure to cut the wrapping off rather than pulling them out. This will ensure the delicate plumes stay as full as possible. We recommend a gentle shake outside when you first open the box as they will shed a little at first. This is completely normal and will not affect their fluffy nature. Once you are happy with the arrangement, add a gentle misting of hairspray to minimize shedding. You can expect your newest home decor addition to last for years to come. We hope you love this bouquet as much as we do. 😍
1 month ago
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