DOMO nHance ST4 Head Strap for Google Cardboard VR Virtual Reality 3D Glasses - Detachable Belt and Adjustable Elastic Head Band Mount with Tension Locks (ST4-Black)
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DOMO nHance ST4 Head Strap for Google Cardboard VR Virtual Reality 3D Glasses - Detachable Belt and Adjustable Elastic Head Band Mount with Tension Locks (ST4-Black)

Product ID: 398810922
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The DOMO nHance ST4 Headstrap for Google Cardboard is fully adjustable and thanks to its elastic body it allows the Google Cardboard to be worn over your head without causing any pain or discomfort. It has 3 point of support on the headset which holds the headset firmly in place ensuring your smartphone is safe inside the headset. DOMO nHance ST4 is made up of Nylon and its is durable ensuring longevity of the product.There are three hooks, two on the sides and one in the centre - these hooks are for the headstraps.The headstrap contains three tension locks which makes it fully customizable according to users requirements. It is entirely built of elastic material and offers a perfect fit without causing strain on the face. You can easily remove and replace the headstraps as and when required. The back support on the headstrap is rubberised and offers an extra cushioning to balance head movements.

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