Historical Records of the 24th Regiment (South Wales Borderers)
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Historical Records of the 24th Regiment (South Wales Borderers)

Product ID: 39774098
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Best known for its heroic role in the defence of Rorke’s Drift, during the Zulu War of 1879, when it won seven of the 14 Victora Crosses awarded, the 24th Regiment, South Wales Borderers, was an exceptional unit, and this is an exceptionally good history. Founded in 1689, the year after the Glorious Revolution, the Duke of Marlborough was appointed the Regiment’s Hon. Colonel, and it took part in his four great victories of Blenheim, Ramillies, Oudenarde and Malplaquet. It helped defend the island of Minorca in the War of the Austrian Succession, and saw colonial service in Canada, Egypt, the Punjab and the Indian Mutiny before its immortal actions in the Zulu War. The history contains several exciting descriptions of the defence of Rorke’s Drift, including the official report by the Officer Commanding, Lt. Chard, written within hours of the battle. There are biographies and medal citations of the VCs won that day, and a portrait photograph of Lt Gonville Bromhead VC, Chard’s second-in-command. In addition the history contains colour plates of regimental uniforms at different stages of its life, portrait photographs and officers and commanders’ rolls.

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