Newdeve Baby-Girls Lace Beads Infant Toddler White Christening Gowns Long
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Newdeve Baby-Girls Lace Beads Infant Toddler White Christening Gowns Long

Product ID: 397212198
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Baby-Girls Newborn Bow Headwear Satin Christening Baptism Dress Gown Outfit Occasion This long dress for toddler girls is suitable for christening, baptism, birthday party, church, artistic photo shoot, New Year, Christmas, blessing day, formal occasion, banquet, wedding, vacation etc. Size Information: Preemie, Chest: 37 cm=14.5 inches, Waist: 38 cm=14.9 inches, Hips: 38 cm=14.9 inches, Height: 46 cm=18 inches, Weight: 5 Ibs Newborn, Chest: 40.6 cm=15.9 inches , Waist: 42 cm=16.5 inches, Hips: 42 cm=16.5 inches, Height: 47--53.5 cm=18.5-21 inch, Weight: 6--9 Ibs 0-3 months, Chest: 43 cm=16.9 inches, Waist: 44.5 cm=17.5 inches, Hips: 44.5 cm=17.5 inches, Height: 54.5--61 cm=21.4-24 inches, Weight: 10--14 Ibs 3-6 months, Chest: 45.7 cm=18 inches, Waist: 47 cm=18.5 inches, Hips: 47 cm=18.5 inches, Height: 62--68.6 cm=24.4-27 inches, Weight: 15--18 Ibs 6-9 months, Chest: 47 cm=18.5 inches, Waist: 48.2 cm=18.9 inches, Hips: 48.2 cm=18.9 inches, Height: 70-73.7 cm=27.5-29 inches, Weight: 19-22 Ibs 9-12 months, Chest: 48.2 cm=18.9 inches, Waist: 49.5 cm=19.4 inches, Hips: 52 cm=20.4 inches, Height: 75-77.5 cm=29.5-30.5 inches, Weight: 23-25 Ibs 12-18 months, Chest: 50 cm=19.6 inches, Waist: 51.4 cm=20.2 inches, Hips: 54 cm=21.2 inches, Height: 78.7-84 cm=30.9-33 inches, Weight: 25-27 Ibs 18-24 months, Chest: 52 cm=20.4 inches, Waist: 53.3 cm=20.9 inches, Hips: 55.5 cm=21.8 inches, Height: 80-90 cm=31.4-35.4 inches, Weight: 28-30 Ibs After-sale Guarantee: Your 100% satisfaction is guaranteed, if you are not satisfied with your purchase for any reason, please contact us.

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