Wooden Newborn Welcome Sign - Hello I’m New Here Baby Name Sign - Round Baby Announcement Sign for Hospitals - Infant Arrival Stat Sign - 4.75 Inches Long & Wide with 3mm Thickness
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Wooden Newborn Welcome Sign - Hello I’m New Here Baby Name Sign - Round Baby Announcement Sign for Hospitals - Infant Arrival Stat Sign - 4.75 Inches Long & Wide with 3mm Thickness

Product ID: 396789432
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Are you looking for a new way to announce your friends and family members regarding your newborn? Then your search has brought you to the right place to get the perfect product to execute your idea. Try our wooden newborn announcement disc from that helps you to share the information about your baby’s arrival to your friends in a creative and unique way.CREATIVE PROPERTY FOR BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT:One of the precious moments in human life is birthing a baby. Every parent would love to celebrate it and be happy to announce their baby to all their friends and family members. To make those precious moments more memorable we crafted these newborn announcement discs. It is made using supreme-quality wooden material that can sustain over a long period of time without any deformation and breaks. This wooden birth announcement sign achieves a circular disc shape using precision cutting technology without leaving any imperfections and sharp edges. The sides and the surface are well polished and smoothened to not to hurt babies while holding. It comes with a printed caption Hello I’M NEW HERE along with a space where you can fill in the name of the baby and its stats and can snap a picture of your little one along with the disc and share it with your friends.UNIQUE GIFT IDEA:Fill your friend's face who's going to be a parent soon with joy and happiness with this wooden baby announcement sign that would never fail to fill them with excitement. It would be the perfect newborn property that helps them to share the news about their baby along with the name and stats. Specifications:Brand: Product: Newborn Announcement SignMaterial: WoodenLength: 4.75 InchesWidth: 4.75 InchesThickness: 3 mmShape: Round

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