Miswak Siwak Sewak Chewing Sticks Natural Toothbrush Whitening Kit - Miswak Cutter Case This Toothbrush (1 Cutter Case + Free 2 Miswaks) Pacific Blue
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Miswak Siwak Sewak Chewing Sticks Natural Toothbrush Whitening Kit - Miswak Cutter Case This Toothbrush (1 Cutter Case + Free 2 Miswaks) Pacific Blue

Product ID: 394402286
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The Miswak Cutter Case is the first miswak cutter in the world! Balancing quality, aesthetics and functionality in one product, it is the ideal solution to cutting, peeling and storing your miswak on the go. Each package includes: 2 Miswaks 1 Cutter Case 1 Instruction manual. How to use the Miswak Cutter Case: 1) Peel off the tip of miswak then chew the bristles to form like toothbrush bristles. 2) To clean the teeth, brush with Miswak from the edge of the gums in a cicular motion until the end of other side gums. Repeat the motion to 2-3x to get the better result. 3) After using miswak, advisable only to wash the tip of the miswak and pat it dry before store it inside Miswak Cutter Case. Benefits of using Miswak: - Reduces plaques and gingivitis. - Whiten your teeth. - Eliminate bad breath. - Improve the sensitivity of taste buds and promote cleaner teeth. - Natural toothbrush suitable for adult & kids (10 years above) Try it now and feel the different using Natural Toothbrush from an ancient time!

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Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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