Elite Fly 750ml
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Elite Fly 750ml

Product ID: 394366376
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Excellence evolved, the Fly now features a refined compound with more spring, aiding cage retention and avoiding compression from changes of air pressure during high mountain descentsThe Fly was born directly out of years of feedback from the world's fastest riders and the desire to create the ultimate lightweight racing bidonBy bringing new materials to bidon construction and pushing mold technology to its very limits, Elite have created the lightest ever bidon, half the weight of the all conquering Corsa or SuperCorsaWall thickness has been pared down to the absolute minimum whilst maintaining integrityStripped down, 2-piece cap is light and super-fast to remove with the opening designed to easily take powder scoopsSimplified, 1-piece valve can be removed for cleaning but retention is now much stiffer to avoid unwanted removal. This is a dedicated racing bidon, for daily use please see our heavier duty models such as the Ombra or CorsaAvailable in a wide range of colours and in both 550 and 750 ml versions100% BPA Free

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The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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