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Product ID: 39352439
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As our skin matures, we loose some of the collagen content which helps to trap water molecules in our skin making it appear supple, youthful and fresh. Once the water content evaporates, fine lines and wrinkles become visible. This nourishing step in your daily routine is very important to supply your skin with extra moisture and nourishment. YOUNG & NATURAL® NOURISHING SERUM replenishes and regenerates your skin; is cooling, soothing, softening, promotes tissue regeneration, rejuvenates, heals & repairs damaged cell tissue, helps with dry, inflamed skin, counters aging skin, improves skin tone, treats wrinkles and reduces scar tissue. Our synergy blend of pure Essential Oils contains ROSE and JASMINE oil to nourish and reduce inflammation. FRANKINCENSE builds elastin (a protein found in the skin that helps to keep skin flexible), for youthful appearance. Silk amino acids and natural plant derived collagen-like ingredients build a matrix to trap precious moisture for supple appearance. Apply 1-2 pumps of the serum in the palm of your hand. Dab a bit of the serum around your eyes and other areas in your face that show fine lines. Rub your hands gently together and apply with both hands evenly over your entire face, neck and chest. When the serum is still moist, add one small dab of your moisturizer in the palm of your hand, rub hands together and apply with both hands to lock the moisture of the serum in your face. We recommend you use the serum twice a day for optimal effect. YOUNG & NATURAL® NOURISHING SERUM may be used with either the BALANCE CREAM, the HYDRO CREAM or the ROSE COMPLEXION CREAM - depending on your specific skin type. Gudi's skin care products are based on European blending techniques and contain absolutely no preservatives, only natural plant oils that are easily absorbed by your skin, lots of Aloe Vera Gel and pure Essential Oils to perfectly balance your individual skin type.

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Yusuf A.

Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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Good experience, but the tracking updates could be better.

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