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FERN-D (Cholecalciferol) 120 Capsules
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FERN-D (Cholecalciferol) 120 Capsules

Product ID: 393016562
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Vitamin-D is essential in keeping muscular, skeletal and immune systems in optional shape. Our cardiovascular system also benefits from vitamin D intake by keeping the heart healthy and our blood pressure in check. Currently, interest in the nutrient has been revitalized after studies showed the immense benefits of vitamin-D to humans. However, due to a modern lifestyle, our exposure to the sun- the primary source of this vitamin has lessened. Because of this, cases of vitamin D deficiency have risen raising concerns from the medical field leading to the development of supplements which may supply our body with this nutrient. FERN-D is a brand name for the generic “cholecalciferol” or better known as Vitamin D3. Study shows that people who have high levels of vitamin D has a lower risk on having diseases like cancer, diabetes, tuberculosis, bone fractures, muscle weakness, and many more. Many of us are not aware that almost all diseases that caused death are mostly linked to Vitamin D Deficiency. If you dont get direct sunlight everyday, then you might be at risk of this deficiency. Save yourself and your love ones from suffering in the future! Take FERN-D everyday to make sure you get the vitamin D you need everyday! Even without the sun!

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Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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