Cyalume Military Grade Red Glow Sticks - Premium Bright 6” ChemLight Emergency Glow Sticks with 8 Hour Duration (Bulk Pack of 10 Chem Lights)
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Cyalume Military Grade Red Glow Sticks - Premium Bright 6” ChemLight Emergency Glow Sticks with 8 Hour Duration (Bulk Pack of 10 Chem Lights)

Product ID: 3917433
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"The Cyalume ChemLight chemical light stick is the gold standard in chemical light technology. When electric light isn’t an option, rely on ChemLights. These light sticks provide intense light output for up to 12 hours, and the bright red color can even be seen from up to a mile away. Standard issue for U.S. military personnel around the globe, these tactical-grade light sticks aren’t some child’s toy you find at a party store. You can rest easy knowing there’s no better alternative available. Whether you’re using these chemical light sticks for tactical applications, as part of your emergency kit, for hiking, camping or even just for your children to play with, you can be sure they will provide just the right amount of light necessary. Plus, they’re water-proof, non-flammable and have a non-toxic chemistry, so they’re just as safe as they are durable. You can let your children use them when hiking or playing in the backyard, but they’re also ideal for a confined space, underwater and tactical applications. The chemical light stick has a hook and gate top which keeps the light source secure whether you’re hanging, attaching or stringing them together. ChemLights are made in the USA under strict quality guidelines to ensure each light stick works without issue when you need it the most. Competitors “adhere to military guidelines” – ChemLight is the gold standard. They’ll be safely stored and ready to go when you are! To activate ChemLight, simply bend, snap and shake to immediately flood your surrounding area with functional light. Each red light stick measures 6” long, 10 sticks per pack. ChemLight light sticks meets Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency (NAMSA) specifications. National/NATO Stock Numbers (NSN) are printed on each product for reference. For technical specifications, see the Material Safety Data Sheet below. The maker of ChemLight, Cyalume, is a pioneer and world leader in chemical lighting solutions for tactical and safety applications. Trusted by the US Military and government agencies for over 40 years, you can rest assured knowing that our products will perform when they are needed most – without question. All Cyalume products are expertly engineered and crafted in the USA to strict quality standards. "

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The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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Very impressed with the quality and fast delivery. Will shop here again.

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