In July 1941, the US Army Ordnance issued specifications for a medium armored car alongside a specification for heavy armored car (which resulted in the T18 Boarhound). Chevrolet built a 4 x 4 model designated T17E1. The unit was armed with a 37 mm gun in a rotating turret, a coaxial machine gun and a bow machine gun. Some T17E1 had an additional machine gun for anit-aircraft defense. Production started in October 1942. However, eventually the US military decided to adopt the lighter M8 Greyhound vehicle instead. T17 production was stopped and the 250 units produced were disarmed and given to the US Military Police, while the T17E1 production continued for the British Army. The T17 received the service name Deerhound and the T17E1 Staghound by the British. Polish Army Second Corp 12-th regiment of Podole Uhlans and 15th Regiment of Poznan Uhlans under command of Gen. Anders were using them in the battle of Monte Cassino and the liberation of Italy. Samochod pancerny T17E1 "Staghound" to jedna z najbardziej udanych i najladniejszych konstrukcji w klasie srednich samochodow pancernych. Opracowany w zakladach Chevrolet Motor Division of General Motors Corp. w Detroit przez znanego konstruktora E.E. MacPherson'a na zlecenie amerykanskiego Departamentu Uzbrojenia. Samochody pancerne "Staghound" znalazly sie na wyposazeniu jednostek rozpoznawczych 2 Korpusu PSZ dowodzonego przez gen. Andersa : Pulku Ulanow Karpackich, 12 Pulku Ulanow Podolskich i 15 Pulku Ulanow Poznanskich. Jednostki 2. Korpusu wziely udzial w bitwie o Monte Casino w maju 1944 a nastepnie w walkach o wyzwolenie Wloch. Scale 1:72 Straight forward illustrated assembly instruction. Some Polish language instruction, not crucial for successful assembly. Paint and glue not included. Recommended for ages 14+ Not suitable for children 3 years old and younger. Box measures: 10.1" x 6.4" x 1.5"
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