Tripl3 Berry 100G Ultra Premium Beamer Ice Drops Hookah Shisha Smoking Gel. Each Bowl Lasts 2-4 Hours! USA Made, Huge Clouds, Amazing Taste! Better Taste & Clouds Than Tobacco!
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Tripl3 Berry 100G Ultra Premium Beamer Ice Drops Hookah Shisha Smoking Gel. Each Bowl Lasts 2-4 Hours! USA Made, Huge Clouds, Amazing Taste! Better Taste & Clouds Than Tobacco!

Product ID: 39129038
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Size:100 Gram Sealed Bag inside Jar Tripl3 Berry Ultra Premium Beamer Ice Drops 100g Hookah Smoking Gel for Real Hookah! Beamer Ice Drops smokes in ANY Hookah bowl for over 2 HOURS! Typical bowls last 3-4 hours! Beamer Ice Drops have better taste and clouds than tobacco, come sealed in a bag, Made in Detroit, Michigan USA & Patent pending. Beamer Ice Drops are available in over 40 Mouth Watering flavors in 5 sizes (50g Jar, 100g Jar, 250g Jar, 500g Bag, 1000g (2 500g Bags). Search - Beamer Hookah - for all Beamer Products on .com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To Make a head of Beamer Ice Drops , Simply let gel fall into ANY Hookah Bowl, fill to top & cover with foil! Set up & Clean up take less than 15 seconds! Gel color may vary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beamer Ice Drops are NOT steam stones! Beamer Ice Drops are NOT Herbal! Beamer Ice Drops are NOT tobacco! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Beamer Company was founded to give the discerning hookah smoker a premium class smoking experience. Beamer's massive burst of flavor and enormous clouds of smoke provide the ultimate hookah pleasure. If you want to escape to incredible taste and enormous clouds, then Beamer Hookah is the choice to make. Perfect ingredients, perfect blend, perfect choice. Each flavor is crafted to deliver supreme taste and colossal clouds of delight. Each smoking experience comes with the finest flavor imaginable and incredible clouds of smoke. Beamer is endlessly working on new flavors that will unquestionably arouse your taste buds! With the new No Smoking Law in many states, Beamer Ice Drops CAN BE SMOKED IN BUSINESSES and RESTAURANTS BECAUSE IT IS NOT TOBACCO (depending on your stateÍs law)! Beamer Ice Drops Supports the United States Economy!

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