Beyond Weight Loss: The Complete Weight Management Program
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Beyond Weight Loss: The Complete Weight Management Program

Product ID: 38952697
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Congratulations! You have reached your goal weight. Now what? How will you maintain it? What makes this time any different from the last 5, 10, 15, or more times you achieved success only to regain the weight and then some? This book is about weight management, not weight loss, as we all know how to lose weight. The fact that you have been on numerous diets over the years and successfully lost weight means you are an expert on losing weight. However, like me, what you are lacking is a plan to keep it off permanently. Inside these pages you will find step-by-step instructions on the 7 Essential Success Factors for maintaining your goal weight while living an organic, authentic, strong, lean, and healthy life. Beyond Weight Loss shows you how to maintain your weight loss through: - doing what you love and feel passionate about; - being where you want to be and doing what you want and with whom; - embracing who you are and what you do; - speaking your truth; - not fighting what is; - walking through open doors and leaving closed doors alone; - understanding that changes occur and knowing the right time, place, and conditions; - not taking things so personally; and - enjoying the moment and having the answers you seek.

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