Money and Time saver: Everyone knows how much peanut oil or cooking oil costs. When cooking for parties. Each time you may use maybe 2 gallons of or more cooking oil .Oils are expensive, but most can be reused.This products are the best way to save money on fryer oil! Our oil filter cones make the oil last much longer.This is also a huge time saver- Takes less than a few seconds to pour and filter the entire work! Works Great for: deep fryer oil Perfect for turkey fryer and when doing mulitple deep fried foods every other cooking oil hot filtering thin maple syrup Peanut Oil from our Turkey Fryer small batches of maple syrup hot raw bees wax Much faster than using coffee filters, yet remove just about as much debris from the sap/syrup. Really clean the oil for use again.You can reuse your oil 3 to 4 times before you need to buy New oil. Packaged: 1 Cone Holder+50 Cooking Oil Filter Cones What is the difference between this and a coffee filter ? These filters allow the oil to flow through freely while cleaning it. The coffee filters and all they do is create a mess; More like fabric than coffee filter, heavy in quality, much better than Coffee filters; Coffee filters are a denser fiber and are not able to withstand the higher temperatures,This is thicker and more appropriate for straining oil; It has a denser weave.