MK Aspect K24382 BSS B Single DP 5 amp Shuttered Switched Socket
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MK Aspect K24382 BSS B Single DP 5 amp Shuttered Switched Socket

Product ID: 387449257
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The simple, clean styling of the MK Aspect is both classic and contemporary, so it looks good anywhere in your home or, in fact, in any environment where style and quality are important. The profile is beautifully slim, measuring just 4 mm thick, so it is discreet as well as stylish. Also, the screws are concealed behind an elegant front-plate, making the Aspect more attractive still. In addition to its impressive appearance, the Aspect is a product that boasts a high level of safety. It incorporates MK’s three-pin operated child-resistant safety shutter system, which is designed to prevent misuse and unsafe access to live circuitry. The system inhibits access to the electricity supply unless all three pins of a standard British 13 amp plug are in position, allowing the user to rest comfortably in the knowledge that they have the safest range of wiring devices installed in their surroundings. The Aspect also has a patented spring clip design that ensures positive earth connection of the front plate and end user safety. The MK Aspect comes in a choice of six standard high-quality finishes, and MK Electric gives the option for custom design service, which enables the Aspect to enhance the effect of any new décor. In addition to the MK Aspect, MK Electric makes reliable, easy-to-install and effective dimmer switches, and a comprehensive range of modular switches.

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