Wellesley Pooch - Plush Dog Toy, Stuffed Animal Dog Pillow, Pet Paw Print Puppy Blanket - Anxiety Relief and Calming Aid - New Puppy Starter Kit
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Wellesley Pooch - Plush Dog Toy, Stuffed Animal Dog Pillow, Pet Paw Print Puppy Blanket - Anxiety Relief and Calming Aid - New Puppy Starter Kit

Product ID: 386890730
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★. This fantastic puppy dog set is ideal as part of your new pet starter kit.  Included in the set is a soft cute puppy dog toy with a lovely bandanna, perfect for your puppy or dog to cuddle up with.  The extra bandanna is so cute, and your dog or puppy will look adorable wearing this matching bandanna.★ The paw print premium dog blanket is lovely and soft and will be perfect for your sofa or dog bed to add warmth or just protect your sofa from pet hairs or scratching.★ No more unsightly poop bags when you can clip this lovely poop bag dispenser to your belt or dog leash or use the Velcro straps to attach to your beltDepending on your pet’s mood and character, a plush toy can act as a tossing toy, or simply as a cuddly thing to give them some comfort when you’re away! For dogs, anything goes. You can also stimulate their natural drive for hunting and playing fetch with a special sturdy plush toy. And when he’s efficiently spending all that pent up energy is a great way to make your own life easier as well! No more torn up furniture and mess, including socks, around the house when you come back from work. Instead, you can spot your pooch happily immersed in some play with their toy, or simply snoozing with the plushie in their embrace. Getting them used to plush toys can be a big part of an overall training method that reduces separation anxiety and benefits your pup on a long-term basis. Keeping your dog occupied, stimulated and entertained is an important part of a healthy daily routine. Unspent energy can have a negative impact on your pet and their mood and can cause some serious issues such as anxiety, destructive behaviour, and apathy. And these are never a good thing to happen and it can take a lot of work to eliminate them.

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Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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