Personal Panic Button, notify 6 emergency contacts with a push of a button in a physical or medical emergency.When activated, signal is picked up by any ResQ Button App Phone/iPad/iPod Touch near you (30m open-air) and informs our cloud servers in less than 10 seconds.After receiving the first notification at Cloud, even if your Phone/Panic Button is disabled, your emergency contacts are notified.No additional Monthly fees or Subscription fees.Uses Wi-Fi and other locator devices (sold separately) to identify Apartments or Floor Number.Ships with Clip-On to strap on clothes for stealth.Built-in battery designed to last for 2 years or 200 activations which ever is earlier.Product is sold with 2-years/200 activations of services included, Product is made of ABS Plastic and water resistant.Visit our website to learn about the technology and the product.Automated Voice Call notifications are limited to Phone Numbers in USA & Canada only. So you can add Landline Phone numbers of your emergency contacts All phone numbers entered on the App should be with Country Code + Area Code + Phone Number
2 days ago
2 weeks ago