Eastern Jungle Gym Two Heavy-Duty Replacement Swing Seats, Sling Swing with 66" Coated Swing Chains and Snap Hooks - Playground Swing Set Accessories for Kids and Adults
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Eastern Jungle Gym Two Heavy-Duty Replacement Swing Seats, Sling Swing with 66" Coated Swing Chains and Snap Hooks - Playground Swing Set Accessories for Kids and Adults

Product ID: 386160142
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Buy more, save more! we package two sling swing seats with four snap hooks for quick and easy attachment, at a discount! Eastern jungle gym's heavy-duty swing seat is the perfect accessory for any outdoor play set! use it as a replacement swing or to add another swinging position to your existing swing set. Our sling swing seats come fully assembled with 66" of zinc-coated, 2/0 straight-coil swing chains that are adjustable up to 30". the bottom 30" of the swing chains are coated in yellow plastisol to allow for a soft, pinch-free grip that is comfortable for even the most delicate little fingers! constructed with heavy-duty, rust-resistant materials these swing seats are extremely durable and made to last. Designed for residential use, this belt swing is designed for children but is strong enough for adults to use as well! our sling swing bundle comes ready-to-use with 2 sling swings and 4 zinc-coated steel snap hooks. These carabineer-style hooks allow for easy one-handed application. Made out of steel, they are perfect for connecting swing chains to swing hangers, adjusting the height of a backyard swing or switching out swing set accessories.

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