SunnyPro Projector Lamp 1020991 for Smartboard UF70 UF70w
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SunnyPro Projector Lamp 1020991 for Smartboard UF70 UF70w

Product ID: 384237744
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9 steps to replace the projector lamp 1.Gather the necessary tools, screwdriver. 2.Turn off TV or Projector. 3.Remove Lamp Compartment Door. 4.Remove Lamp Assembly. Carefully pull out the lamp assembly and disconnect any power cords that may still be connected to the lamp assembly. Put it aside and don't get it confused with your new lamp! 5.Clean Lamp Compartment. Dust gets everywhere and while you have the projector open, use a soft cloth or micro-fiber cleaning cloth to remove any loose dust from the lamp compartment. 6.Insert New Lamp Assembly. Carefully reconnect any power cables to the new lamp if present and slide the new lamp into the compartment in the same orientation that the original lamp came out. 7.Replace Lamp Compartment Door. Set the lamp compartment door back into place and securely screw in the door without screwing it in too tightly. 8.Reset the lamp timer. Instructions on how to do this should be covered by the instruction manual. 9.You're Done! Enjoy your projector or TV again and make sure you have a backup lamp handy in case the lights go out unexpectedly.

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