Forseti Steel Hector Damascus Steel Fighting Knife
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Forseti Steel Hector Damascus Steel Fighting Knife

Product ID: 38249014
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In Greek mythology, Hector was a Trojan prince and one of the greatest warriors in the Trojan War. Hector did not approve of the Trojan War but acted as leader of the Trojans in defense of Troy, killing 31,000 Greek soldiers. In the last battle, the Trojan army retreats behind the city walls, but Hector remains outside to face Achilles. During their battle, Hector realizes that he is doomed. Instead of surrendering, Hector pulls his sword and charges Achilles. It was a fierce battle with Achilles finally stabbing Hector through the chest, killing him. Our handmade Damascus steel sub-hilt fighting knife needed a name that is as honorable and the knife is powerful. This is why we named it after Hector. When your index finger is pressed in the sub-hilt trigger, it gives you a lot of control over how you handle the blade. The sub-hilt allows you to strongly thrust the knife in combat or hunting, and then you can use the trigger to easy pull the knife out. The sub-hilt also allows you to keep your grip on the handle during action instead of having the handle slip. The buffalo horn handle and chrome hilts give this knife an elegant look and feel. The 256 layers of Damascus steel and slightly upturned blade made this knife ideal for thrusting. This knife design and build quality will stand the test of time and will become an heirloom in your family. * Overall Length: 10” * Handle Length: 4.5” * Blade Length: 5.5” * Blade Material: Damascus Steel 1095/15n20 * Blade thickness: 5mm * Damascus pattern: Swirl * Number of layers: 256 * Grind: Secondary bevel * Handle Material: Chrome and bone Each knife is handmade from natural materials and will have some variation in color, Damascus pattern and overall look. The knife you receive will have the same attention to quality and detail as the one pictured but may differ slightly in appearance.

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