Orangatang Knuckles Longboard Bushings
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Orangatang Knuckles Longboard Bushings

Product ID: 381754831
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Features: Durometer: Soft 87A (Orange) OR Medium 90A (Purple) Diameter: 16.3mm (0.64'') Height: Barrel = 15mm (0.59'')/ Insert = 1.91mm (0.075'')/ Total = 16.9mm (0.665'') Contains: 2 X Barrel Bushings 2 x Gumdrop Bushing, 2 x Large Cup Washers, 2 x Small Cup Washers Material: Randy Thane Formula Urethane Bloody Elk. Juicier Bounce, Tighter Package - Orangatang have crafted these Knuckles for quick turning response and smooth edge-to-edge transitions, the new Orangatang Knuckles are the ultimate high-energy bushing upgrade for carving, pumping, dancing, and freestyle longboarding. Available in two duros of Otangs extremely high-rebound Randy Thane formula, each pack contains two insert barrel bushings, two gumdrop bushings, two large cup washers, and two small cup washers. The insert barrel features a small ''step'' to fill the gap between the kingpin and the hole of the hanger, reducing play in the assembly for a more precise response. Whereas, the gumdrop is a smooth and subtle blend between a barrel and the more traditional cone shape, providing enhanced agility. The rounded edge allows for ultra-smooth turn initiation and improved interface with the washers. Orangatang Knuckles are sized for compatibility with most trucks and feature precise tolerances for a snug fit on the kingpin. Poured in the same extremely high-rebound Randy Thane formula as the Orangatang Nipples, these two bushing options offer distinct performance characteristics. Nipples are a great choice for riders seeking maximum rebound for pumping and carving, lively yet supportive turning, and reduced wheelbite. The wide double-barrel design offers a highly defined centre point with immediate resistance to turn that increases progressively with lean angle

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