As an entrepreneur, finding the right Angel Investor to fund a deal is difficult. Similarly, as an investor, finding the right entrepreneur to back is just as difficult. This book helps entrepreneurs and investors get a better understanding of what it takes to build, invest in, and make money growing and exiting start-up companies. We look at 100 rules to fund a deal from the perspective of successful and experienced investors and exited-entrepreneurs. The goal is to help entrepreneurs learn what it takes to find the right Angel Investor willing to write a check and to help the Angel Investor find the right entrepreneur to back. While both parties are coming at the deal for different purposes, each shares the common goal of making money. In our humble opinion, it is critically important for both parties to understand the needs, triggers, and expectations of the other in order to be successful. The truth is, with a little experience and luck, you will know very quickly if investing or raising money in this class of investment is something you enjoy doing and something where you can make money. FROM THE INVESTORS PERSPECTIVE Imagine sitting down in your favorite chair and looking out the window admiring your perfectly manicured lawn and realizing that you don’t have a care in the world. Why not? You’ve been successful and you should be proud of it. You’ve managed your money well and can pretty much do what you want, when you want. But then again, something appears to be missing. You don’t feel as productive as you once were. You want to do something exciting again. You want to feel needed. Well, there is a whole world out there made up of wannabe entrepreneurs with dreams and visions, but no way of funding it. That’s where you may be the perfect fit. You have money, you have great business acumen, and all you are missing is finding the perfect ride with a team of start-up junkies ready to build a company. If you find it, why not take your money and start investing as an angel? Yes, it can be hard. Yes, it can be risky. But, it can also make you and the entrepreneur you are backing a lot of money. As you can imagine, finding your first deal and stepping up to the plate for the first time can be both exhilarating and daunting. Hopefully, you took the advice of your friends and joined a professionally-managed angel group, or, at the very least, decided to co-invest with other accredited investors in order to share due diligence and mitigate some of the risk. As a first-timer, it’s easy to become enamored by the entrepreneur sitting across the table from you with big plans and an unbelievable technology. The most experienced investors will tell you stories about amazing products that defied the laws of physics. But use caution, reality is much different than a concept. It’s tough to take something on paper and turn it into a viable product in a market where real customers are willing to pay real money. FROM THE ENTREPRENEURS PERSPECTIVE There are thousands of entrepreneurs with great ideas and an ability to see markets before they develop. Unfortunately, there are only a few entrepreneurs who have the ability to get the funding in place to make those ideas a reality. That’s why it is critically important to understand, as an entrepreneur, what investors are looking for. While many books will tell you to focus on showing an investor how your company can get from zero to $50 million in sales, the best and brightest early-stage investors know that such a trajectory isn’t probable. As you will discover from reading this book, building a great company to create a great return takes a team effort. Make sure your investors want to be a part of your team and let them help you from day one. Remember, there are many more entrepreneurs than investors, so be prepared to have to work at finding one who is willing and able to support your vision.
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