Grounding Mat, Grounding Universal Mat for Healthy Therapy Earth Connected Grounding Pad Improves Sleep with 1 Outlet Tester and 15 ft Grounding Cord Black
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Grounding Mat, Grounding Universal Mat for Healthy Therapy Earth Connected Grounding Pad Improves Sleep with 1 Outlet Tester and 15 ft Grounding Cord Black

Product ID: 377270455
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grounding mat kit with 1 Outlet Tester How long haven’t you walk barefoot on the earth? Could you recall what feeling you got last time you touch the Earth? Choose a nice day to go to the nature, touch the earth or barefoot on the earth to feel the nature. When you touch the ground, you absorb the free electrons on its surface through your skin. The free (mobile) electrons from the earth act as natural antioxidants in your body. Benefits of Grounding: Neutralizing free radicals Help Reducing pain Lowering stress Increasing energy Normalizing biological rhythms Protecting the body from EMFs Help sounder sleep While we can’t barefoot anywhere in the modern city, so choosing a grounding product is the best solution. Features of Grounding Mat Kit Universal: Make contact with the smooth side to be grounded. Benefits of grounding mat sleeping: Gain the benefits of Grounding to the nature. Multi-use: This grounding mat clint ober can be used as a mouse mat on the desk, or sleep mat on the bed, or foot mat anywhere. Package including: 10 x 26.7 in grounding mat desk, 1 Outlet Tester and 15 ft Grounding Cord How to know you you are grounded well or not: Make sure your outlet can be grounded with our Outlet Tester. 1.Prepare a multimeter. 2.Turn the multimeter to "%HzV", and select AC mode. Connect the black wire to the ground outlet and hold the red wire in hand. 3.View the readings while you are holding the metal end of the alligator(red wire). Normal readings differ 300mV from more than 2V depending on various person. 4.Set up your grounding as our instruction, and then touch the mat or barefoot on the mat, to see the readings lowering. If the reading drops down to less than 100mV, that means the mat is working. If it is still not working, please contact us.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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Meera L.

Smooth transaction and product arrived in perfect condition.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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