J.R. Liggett's Old Fashioned Shampoo Bar 3.5 Ounces Variety 3 Pack: Original Formula, Tea Tree & Hemp Oil, and Jojoba & Peppermint
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J.R. Liggett's Old Fashioned Shampoo Bar 3.5 Ounces Variety 3 Pack: Original Formula, Tea Tree & Hemp Oil, and Jojoba & Peppermint

Product ID: 376888564
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J.R Liggett Old Fashioned Bar Shampoo Variety Pack of 3. Features 3 Varieties Original Formula, Tea Tree and Hemp Oil, and Jojoba and Peppermint. Variety Pack Contains 1 (3.5 oz) Bar of Each Scent. Vegan and 100Percent Biodegradable. Excellent for Camping, Backpacking and other travel. ORIGINAL FORMULA The formula for this incredible and unique bar of shampoo was discovered loosely placed in an old New England Cookbook many years ago by J.R.LIGGETT. This is the cornerstone of our fine line of bar shampoos that over the years has proven itself over and over to a countless number of loyal users. TEA TREE and HEMP OIL Tea Tree Oil has powerful antiseptic and antibacterial properties that help enhance our shampoo's abilities to effectively tame dermatitis, itchyflaky scalp conditions and may also stimulate hair growth Hemp Oil contains a combination of essential fatty acids that supply your hair's acute nutritional needs. Last but not least, Almond Oil is also added to provide the ever important moisturizing healthy hair requires. JOJOBA and PEPPERMINT Jojoba oil can prevent the skin from becoming too oily. Because the structure of jojoba oil so closely resembles natural sebum, it can actually trick the skin into producing less natural sebum, which, unlike jojoba, can clog pores. Jojoba oil may help treat acne, both by reducing sebum production and by protecting the skin from harmful bacteria. Peppermint Oil is added to stimulate and invigorate the scalp. It is also used to relieve skin irritation, dermatitis, acne and itchiness and also helps to reduce skin redness, where inflammation is present, while at the same time having a cooling action.

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