Toptheway Replacement Toothbrush Heads for Phillips Sonicare DiamondClean Protectiveclean 2 Series Dailyclean Plaque Control Electric Toothbrush 4100 5100 C2 C3 W2 G2 HX9023 Black, 8 Pack
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Toptheway Replacement Toothbrush Heads for Phillips Sonicare DiamondClean Protectiveclean 2 Series Dailyclean Plaque Control Electric Toothbrush 4100 5100 C2 C3 W2 G2 HX9023 Black, 8 Pack

Product ID: 415442913
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Are you still annoying with that sensitive teeth and gums or bristles falling out, noisy, not fit or broken easily ? Have you been looking for the best toothbrush heads for cleaning your teeth effectively? If this is the case, we have a solution for you. Choosing the right replacement toothbrush heads can make a difference for the health of your whole mouth, and what is more, help you save a lot of money! Our Toptheway electric toothbrush heads will not only take proper care of your teeth but also remove more plaque when compared to the manual brushes. Why You Should Buy our electric toothbrush replacement heads ? 【Designed to Get into Hard to Reach Areas】: The tooth brush heads features a concave trim profile specifically designed to target tooth-decaying plaque by hugging teeth and offering better conformity and surface-area coverage. 【 Effectively Remove Plaque without Irritating Gums】: Compatible with all click-on Sonicate models, the brush features a power tip that usually targets plaque that is along the gum line, and remove 8X more Plaque,which deeply cleans surface stains caused by food and drinks,making your teeth much whiter. 【Excellent Brush Heads for Sparkly Eye-catching White Smile】: These heads come with a end-rounded, US DuPont bristles and well-engineered bristles that allow for optimal tooth coverage. They are great for individuals who would want to maintain a sparkly white smile all the time.

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The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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Yusuf A.

Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

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